About Me

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Hi all. I am here to share my thoughts and experiences in life which i have found interesting. I hope it proves to be an equally interesting read for you all.


Have we ever thought that something as relative and volatile as happiness touches us and changes things forever..

Sometimes it is all about the perfect ending..
Sometimes it is all about the perfect start..

It changes forms..
Sometimes in a smile.. Sometimes in a tear..
Sometimes in a hug.. Sometimes in a glass of beer..

It makes you believe..
It makes you glad..
It makes your day..
It makes you mad..

Millions of moments in our lives have passed by
Where happiness has touched us and we hardly realize..
And then there are moments when we are bogged down..
when tricky situations take us by surprise..

We keep wondering why we are sad..
We keep thinking if our good old days will ever be back..
But Happiness knows when to be around..
It surely comes to your rescue and pats your back..

For it knows that you have learned to be strong..
For it knows that you can handle things when they go wrong..
Happiness is special.. Happiness is sound..
Happiness plays a part even when its not around...


Friends.. I was tagged by Indrani and inspired from my friends on Fbook.. so here i am supposed to write 25 things about myself. I hope I have those many things to say about myself.

1. I have never studied for more than even 4 hours a day in my life but still was fortunate enough to be bestowed upon by such a talent by uncountable relatives and friends all throughout my school life.. :P
2. I always wanted to be an inspiration for someone.. (how mean that sounds.. but yes..) I m happy to see that I am atleast one to my sister.. :)
3. I simply adore Shar Rukh Khan. In my school days I was completely smitten by him and so I am even today. I dont care,if boys find it gurlish..
4. I hate people who have double standards.
5. I simply love cooking and it gives an awesome sense of creativity.
6. I miss mathematics a lot.
7. My friends have been my biggest support system in my life and I feel blessed to have found so many of them.
8. I love all my nick names... samru, sam, sambhar, samsung, damru, dambu(my 3 yr old niece gave me dat one) and there are many more..
9. I believe in destiny and GOD.
10. My dream ambition is to become a bollywood choreographer.. but before that I wanna learn everything right from salsa to cha cha cha..
11. I am a complete movie buff.. I know even the cinematographers (the one who shoots the film actually) of many of the films.. very few people can beat me in that area..
12. I can read faces and catch people lying to me even from their voices. But I never tell them..
13. I hate the fact that I am never able to judge whether I have become complacent or not.. But the moment someone tells me that I get completely charged up to go against the expected.
14. What I find unusual about myself is I have always been afraid of the dark and yet I have walked alone in darkness..
15. I love to see the expressions on any guys face when girls mention that they love PINK colour.. :P
16. I owe all my success to my nana-nani.
17. I feel one person is the happiest when he has smile on the lips and tears in the eyes.
18. I want to visit these 3 places for sure and those are Leh Laddakh, Goa and Switzerland.
19. I cannot be intentionally good to people who havnt been good to me. I do not belong to the gandhian school of thought.
20. I like to care for people who are less priviledged than me. I want to help such kids in future.
21. I am very bad at computers. I even did not know how to write CD for many days.. :P
22. I cant take criticism in my stride. It takes alot of time. :P
23. I love winters and chai with kandi-bhaji.
24. My idea of perfect date is when you dnt even fix up a date and still you end up having the best time together... (sounds filmy.. so am i..!!)
25. I love to be the rescue ranger.. i mean i generally get too involved with people's problems.. and end up regretting.. still i havnt learnt a lesson yet.. :P

guys, i dont know how much interesting it was for you to read this one. but it was really interesting for me to write it down. its cool. try writing down if u read mine. happy blogging..!!
hi everyone!
this is my first blog..!!

i m writing purely out of the inquisitiveness of writing a BLOG.. thats it.. :)
i created it last month.. but never got anything right on my mind..
i think its a brilliant medium to say things which u can think n then put across..
so i just thought of writing something that i truly believe in but never discussed it with anyone as such..

the name itself reflects what i want to say..
the beautiful coincidences that happen around us which we discover without an intent..
and then we associate it with the past.. n it suddenly reminds us how our lives are connected..

life has got this beautifully woven structure.. which we cant predict.. its secretive and unpredictable.. but often we tend to come across few such occasions where we feel that things were meant specially for us.. we want something very badly and we loose all our hopes.. but then it suddenly comes back to us in some or the other form.. and we can feel the magical element attached to it..

these are not necessarily very big things..
but some small things that we long for..
a ticket to a movie.. or catching up with old friends.. or an old favorite song that u wanted to download.. :P
sometimes the most simple things are not so simply accessible..
but the joy that u feel on achieving it is simply awesome... :)

i would like to narrate an incident here..
few days back i had been to my home..
n i got to know that one of my buddy's sister is in town with her newly born daughter "Persis"..
what a beautiful baby.. was my reaction.. when i had seen her pics for the first time..
so i just had this wish to see her..
so my friend asked me to come over n meet Persis..
i knew it wont be possible for me since i myself was in town for only 4 days..
days passed by.. n as the fourth day came i had almost forgotten bout this incident..
i was on my way to the station.. with my family..
n we stopped by a shop to have ice cream..
i was shouting on the lazy ice cream wala since he was taking so long to pack our ice cream..
i was constantly getting calls from my mom.. (she was in the car).. to hurry up..
n so i was getting angry over this guy..
i was cursing him coz he had wasted so much of my time..
as i was on the verge of leaving with the parcel..
to my utter surprise.. there i saw Persis with her mom coming out of an adjacent shop..
i dont know how much u can relate to this..
but just a look at her made my day..
since it was something so unimportant n yet so important.. (when it happened)..

i watched this movie.. Revolutionary Road..
which has so beautifully shown that life has got many turning points..
but the most challenging ones are those which are the simplest ones when u look at them..
that further makes my beleif firm that we should value simple things in life..
and start relishing the small gestures that others do for us..

you never know which one brings a smile on ur face when u need it the most..!!