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Hi all. I am here to share my thoughts and experiences in life which i have found interesting. I hope it proves to be an equally interesting read for you all.

Impatient in air..!!

In the past few weeks I happened to travel by air quiet often and I observed that people are very impatient and irresponsible when they are airborne.

Despite being told several times by the crew that the passengers are supposed to keep their cell-phones switched off, they still continue talking befor the take off and switch on their phones immediately after the landing.

To worsen the matter, they also believe in taking off their seat belts even if the indicator tells them not to do so and they swiftly get up and start taking out their cabin baggage not even thinking of the other passengers whose heads are getting hurt due to their bagagge banging on their heads.

We very quickly judged the airlines, their regulations and safety measures after the mangalore crash happened. It was unfortunate and was not due to any passenger's mistake. But following simple rules like keeping the cell-phones off which actually helps in reducing the interference that the pilot faces in communicating with the ground staff will infact add to the passengers own safety.

Its always easier to blame than to change ourselves. But when it comes to a serious issue like air safety I guess all those educated individuals who are reading this blog, kindly take care to follow the safety rules in future.

Have a safe journey always..!!